[. . . ] LD 87 GB Dishwasher Instructions for installation and use Quick guide to your dishwasher This manual explains pleasantly all your new electric household appliance has to offer. In addition, you will discover a world of useful hints and handy tips to help you get a better wash from your dishwasher and to make it last longer. D ISHWASHER 1. 8) Installation, after delivery or your moving house, is the most important procedure for the correct operation of your dishwasher. It is worth it: for the longer life span and the correct operation of your dishwasher. 2. Control panel at your orders (p. 2) Learn to get to know the parts which make up your dishwasher, you will use it better for it. [. . . ] The rinse aid container is situated on the inside of the door: It should be filled up when the low rinse aid indicator light "U" flashes on display. • Keep your dishwasher detergent and rinse aid in a cool, dry place and away from children. F C Loading the rinse aid. You can adapt the amount of rinse aid used by the dishwasher: regulate the adjuster F which you will find under lid C. You can choose from six different positions. Proper dosage of the rinse aid improves drying. If drops of water remain on the dishes or spotting occurs, turn the dosage adjuster to a higher setting. If, on the other hand, the dishes have white streaks, then turn the dosage adjuster down to a lower setting. You can choose from six different positions. It is normally set to 4. Warning Three-in-one dishwasher tablets are now available on the market, and combine detergent, salt and rinse aid all in one. If the water in your area is hard or very hard, we still recommend you pour extra salt into the relevant dispenser to prevent the formation of white streaks on your dishes or on the interior of the appliance. Using a three-in-one product means it is no longer necessary to put rinse aid into the relevant container. If you want to achieve perfectly dry dishes, you may add rinse aid as long as the dosage adjuster is set to no. 2. In any case, please read the manufacturer's instructions on the packet. If you use only these products, it is normal for the salt and rinse aid indicator lights to flash permanently after a certain number of cycles. ARISTON DISHWASHER - Instructions for installation and use 5 D ISHWASHER A wash cycle for every degree of soil Select the right wash cycle "AUTO" wash cycles This means that your dishwasher is equipped with a sensor which evaluate how dirty your dishes are and allows these wash cycles to adjust automatically, to provide you with a more efficient and economic wash cycle. Salt, rinse aid, the right amount of detergent and the correct wash cycle: this is the formula to get the best results and to keep your dishwasher in shape Note: in the auto wash cycles, the cycles could undergo some modifications due to the intervention of the sensor which evaluates how dirty the dishes are and optimises the cycle in accordance. &\FOH &\FOH VHOHFWLRQ LQVWUXFWLRQV &\FOH GHVFULSWLRQ 'HWHUJHQW IRU SUH ZDVK  ZDVK 5LQVH $LG :DVK F\FOH GXUDWLRQ WROHUDQFH “ ZLWKRXW H[WUD GU\LQJ $XWR 6XSHU :DVK 9HU\ GLUW\ GLVKHV DQG SDQV QRW WR EH XVHG IRU GHOLFDWH LWHPV 3UHZDVK ZLWK KRW ZDWHU DW ƒ& :DVK DW ƒ&  FROG ULQVHV +RW ULQVH DW ƒ& 'U\LQJ :DVK DW ƒ &ROG ULQVH +RW ULQVH DW ƒ& 'U\LQJ    J  7\SLFDO ZDVK F\FOH IRU GLUW\ SDQV DQG GLVKHV  J  'DLO\ :DVK (QYLURQPHQWDOO\IULHQGO\ F\FOH ZLWK ORZ HQHUJ\ FRQVXPSWLRQ OHYHOV QRUPDO VWDQGDUG F\FOH IRU GLUW\ SDQV DQG GLVKHV $XWR  &ROG SUHZDVKHV :DVK DW ƒ& +RW ULQVH DW ƒ& 'U\LQJ    J  5DSLG (FRQRPLF DQG IDVW F\FOH WR EH XVHG IRU VOLJKWO\ GLUW\ 6KRUW ZDVK DW ƒ& GLVKHV 5XQ F\FOH LPPHGLDWHO\ +RW ULQVH DW ƒ& DIWHU XVH :LWKRXW GU\LQJ H[FHSW ZKHQ WKH H[WUD GU\LQJ RSWLRQ KDV EHHQ VHOHFWHG 3UHOLPLQDU\ ZDVK F\FOH IRU GLVKHV ZKLOH DZDLWLQJ 6KRUW FROG ZDVK WR SUHYHQW IRRG IURP FRPSOHWLRQ RI WKH ORDG ZLWK GU\LQJ RQWR WKH GLVKHV WKH GLVKHV IURP WKH QH[W PHDO 6SHFLDO F\FOH WR EH XVHG IRU PRUH GHOLFDWH LWHPV ZKLFK DUH VHQVLWLYH WR KLJK WHPSHUDWXUHV 5XQ F\FOH LPPHGLDWHO\ DIWHU XVH 5LQVH DQG GU\LQJ F\FOH IRU GLVKHV WKDW DUH VHOGRP XVHG DQG DUH RQO\ GXVW\ :DVK DW ƒ& 5LQVH DW ƒ& +RW ULQVH DW ƒ& 'U\LQJ +RW ULQVH DW ƒ& 'U\LQJ 237, 21$/ :$6+ &<&/(  J ZLWK WKH H[WUD GU\   6RDNLQJ  J  &U\VWDO  6SHFLDO *XHVW :DVK GLIIHUHQWLDWHG RQ WKH WZR UDFNV GHOLFDWH IRU JODVVZDUH DQG JODVVHV RQ WKH XSSHU UDFN DQG KHDY\ GXW\ IRU WKH SDQV RQ WKH ORZHU $XWR 'XR :DVK UDFN &ROG SUHZDVK :DVK DW ƒ& /XNHZDUP ULQVH DW ƒ& +RW ULQVH DW ƒ& 'U\LQJ    J  6 ARISTON DISHWASHER - Instructions for installation and use Water hardness varies according to where you live. If the water in your home is hard, without water softening, incrustations would form on your dishes. Your dishwasher is fitted with a water softener which uses special salt to get rid of limescale in the water. Loading the salt. The salt container is situated underneath the lower rack, fill it up as follows: 1. Pull out the lower rack completely, unscrew and remove the container cap 2. First fill the container up with water (you won't have to do this again next time) 3. Put the dishwasher funnel on the hole and pour in approximately two kilos of salt. The salt container should be filled up when the low salt indicator light "T" flashes. Once you have loaded the salt for the first time, it is normal that the low salt indicator light stays on or flashes for about 5 consecutive cycles. Salt adjustment Your dishwasher can adjust its salt consumption according to the hardness of the water in your home. This way, you can optimise and customise your dishwasher's salt consumption (not too much, nor too little). Water Hardness Water in your home Never without salt D ISHWASHER To prevent rust from forming, load the salt just before beginning a wash cycle. Clarke degrees °fH mmol/l Selector position Salt consumption (grams/cycle) 0 20 40 60 Autonomy (cycles\2kg) / 60 40 25 0 - 14 14 - 36 36 - 71 >71 0 - 17 18 - 44 0 -1, 7 1, 8 - 4, 4 / "-" MED "+" 45 - 89 4, 5 - 8, 9 > 89 > 8, 9 To adjust salt consumption, do as follows: 1. There is an arrow on the neck of the container (see figure): if necessary, turn the arrow anticlockwise from the "-" setting to the "+" setting. Select the arrow position depending on the water hardness, referring to the table provided. You don't know how hard the water in your home is? [. . . ] Turn the display off by keeping the Stand-by button pressed clean the filter thoroughly and reposition it in its seat as illustrated If this indicator light is flashing, this means the appliance is blocked due to a water leak. Turn off the water tap, cut off the electricity supply and call for technical assistance. You have checked everything, but the dishwasher still doesn't work and the problem persists?Call an authorised service centre nearyouandremembertomention: • the type of malfunction • the model mark (Mod…. ) and the serial number (S/N…. ) indicated on the rating plate located on the inner door, to one side. Never call upon the services of unauthorised technicians and always refuse spare parts that are not originals. you and your family. [. . . ]